This page explains abbreviations and conventions used on our Current Stats and Archived Stats pages.
Key to abbreviations and conventions used in the statistics:
win % - winning percentage (ex.: the win percentage for a player who plays 20 games and wins 10 of them would be .500)
Players are ranked by win pct; ties are broken by average margin of victory (points avg. - points vs.)
GP - Games Played
W - Wins
L - Losses
T - Ties
B - Byes
record/month - the player's record for the month, listed in win-loss format (ex.: 6-2 means 6 wins and 2 losses; 5-4-1 means 5 wins, 4 losses, and 1 tie)
points/avg. - the player's average score
points/vs. - the average number of points scored by the player's opponents
bingo - a word using all 7 tiles on a player's rack, earning a 50-point bonus
bingos/avg. - the player's average number of bingos per game
500+ - number of games scoring 500 or more points
100+ - number of plays scoring more than 100 points
70+NB - number of non-bingos scoring 70 or more points
HG - High Game (awarded to the player with the highest score at a session)
HL - High Loss (awarded to the player with the highest scoring loss of a session)
SW - Session Win
POTM - Player of the Month