

The Orlando Scrabble® Club website was created by and is maintained by Tim Bottorff, using free tools available at Google Sites.

The Orlando Scrabble® Club logo was designed by Destiny Moore. We have attempted to research the copyright status of all images published on the site.  Please let us know if you believe any images are in violation of copyright. 

All text and images on this site are copyright Orlando Scrabble® Club, 2010-present, unless otherwise noted. 

Club Officers

Previous Directors and Officers include: Tim Bottorff, Paul Haverly, Jill Heffner, Jay Jacobs, Judy Segall, and Carl Warner. Thanks to these individuals for managing the Club all these years! See our History page for more information. 

Scrabble® Trademarks and Organizations 

Hasbro, Inc. owns the SCRABBLE® registered trademark in the U.S. and Canada.  Mattel, Inc. owns the SCRABBLE® registered trademark outside the U.S. and Canada. 


Scrabble clubs and tournaments in the U.S. and Canada are sanctioned by NASPA Games.  The Orlando Scrabble Club is registered with NASPA as club #438.