
Listed below are Orlando Scrabble® Club #438 records, streaks, and feats achieved since 2005.  Also listed are top finishers for each statistical season since 2005.  Prior to 2005, detailed stats either were not kept or have been lost, and some categories were not tracked closely until 2007.   Records achieved during the current year are listed in red type.



 Highest Score

 Highest Loss

 Highest Tie

 Highest Combined Score

 Highest Plays

 Highest Non-Bingo Plays

 Most Bingos in a Game

 Most Combined Bingos in a Game


 Longest Winning Streak

 Highest Winning Percentage over an Entire Season (minimum 50 games):

 Highest Bingos/Game Average over an Entire Season (minimum 50 games):

 Highest Points/Game Average over an Entire Season (minimum 50 games):

 Most Seasons Finishing as Club Champion (1st in the overall standings at the end of a season):


From 2005 to 2009, statistical seasons were twelve months long.  Since 2010, statistical seasons have been six months long. 

A minimum of 40 games played is normally required to be listed among the official top 3 finishers in a season (except for 2020 Season 1 and 2021 Season 2, which were limited in duration due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and 2022 Season 1, which was still impacted somewhat by COVID).  However, players with high winning percentages and with between 10-40 games played in a season are listed afterwards in parentheses.

(Julie .667 win pct over 12 games)

See 2024 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

  See 2023 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

  See 2023 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

           See 2022 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

           See 2022 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

           (Play was limited to Oct-Dec due to the COVID-19 pandemic) 

           See 2021 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

(Canceled due to COVID-19)

(Canceled due to COVID-19)

           (Play was halted in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic) 

           See 2020 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

    See 2019 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

    See 2019 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

            See 2018 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information  

            See 2018 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

            See 2017 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (Vicki .667 win pct over 12 games)

          See 2017 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2016 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2016 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2015 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (Jim .625 win pct over 24 games)

          (Roger .600 win pct over 15 games)

          (Supriya .578 win pct over 32 games)

          See 2015 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (Win .757 win pct over 37 games)

          (Jim .667 win pct over 24 games)

          (Jill .630 win pct over 27 games)

          See 2014 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (George .667 win pct over 18 games)

          See 2014 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (George .571 win pct over 21 games)

          (Jill .556 win pct over 27 games)

          See 2013 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2013 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2012 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2012 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2011 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2011 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2010 Season 2 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (George .639 win pct over 36 games)

          See 2010 Season 1 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (Tony .682 win pct over 11 games)

          See 2009 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2008 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          See 2007 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (Judy .700 win pct over 10 games)

          See 2006 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

          (Win .655 win pct over 29 games)

          See 2005 Final Stats (PDF) for more information

For more historical stats, see our Archived Stats page.